Kobita Sonkolon-A short Story of how they Lived and Died

I never did thought of posting the poems that I had written long back.Those were like one phase of my life and reflected the warrior poet in me.However the poems started to fade away as if by some divine power they realized that I no longer need them because there is no one to read out to…So there they remained under the pages of my old diary which I  had started to use as a mouse pad by the way.

But one night,I woke up from my dreams and decided to free them.It was a very painful task to do.Specially like letting go of your loved ones..as if some part of your memories are being forcibly erased.So I freed them.First I drenched them in soaking rain and then i purified them with fire..Rather nomadic you might say but actually its like setting your memories on fire…Though  I did it under the influence of Holy Water(XXX rum to be precise),but I did take pictures of them so as I can revive them some day or have some memories of them…

So here I present my Humble collection of Poems..Oh and in case if you are wondering that how Bonolota Sen came to the top of the list…I posted it because I liked it…its not mine.

Click here to visit or alternatively click on Amar Bhalo Laga Kobita Songroho to read more about my poems.

Signing Off
Santanu Ghosal